Best of Enemies captures the legendary 1968 debates between two famed intellectuals and ideological opposites: leftist Gore Vidal and neoconservative William Ft. Buckley. Their televised sparring shaped a new era of public discourse in the media, demarcating the moment TV’s political ambition shifted from narrative to spectacle.
Directed by Morgan Neville & Robert Gordon
7:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Huber Theatre
Salem College
601 S. Church St.
Winston-Salem, NC
FREE and open to the public
Approximate Running Time: 85 mins
Discussion following the screening with special guests:
Michael Valdez Moses, author & Associate Professor of English at Duke University,
Michael Lamb, University Scholar in Residence and Fellow – Office of Personal and Career Development at Wake Forest University
and Katy Harriger, author and Professor and Program Chair of Department of Politics and International Affairs at Wake Forest University
Indie Lens Pop Up Screenings
Indie Lens Pop Up presented by RiverRun International Film Festival Films With Class program is a neighborhood screening series that brings people together for community-driven conversations around films from the award-winning PBS series Independent Lens.