Without Arrows
Elizabeth Day, Jonathan Olshefski SYNOPSIS:
Filmed over the course of 13 years (2011–2023), “Without Arrows” chronicles the vibrance and struggle of a Lakȟóta family. Delwin Fiddler, Jr., a champion grass dancer from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, left his reservation as a young man to escape a trauma that splintered his family and built a new life in Philadelphia. A decade later, he abandons it all and returns home to fulfill his mother’s ambition and carry on the legacy of their thiyóšpaye (extended family).
Preceded by short film “Winding Path.”
Presented in Multiple Parts
Winding Path
Eastern Shoshone medical student Jenna Murray spent summers on the Wind River Indian Reservation helping her ...
10 min | Alexandra Lazarowich, Ross Kauffman | | English
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